Certified Practitioner Kathleen Shannon
Certified Practitioner Kathleen Shannon
The Personal Reconnection
The Personal Reconnection, formerly known as The Reconnection, is a once in a lifetime experience which continues to unfold throughout the rest of your physical incarnation. This gift to yourself may initially have the result of revealing your true life-path, or if you already know your passion and career choice, it will smooth and accelerate your journey, allowing seemingly miraculous coincidences and serendipity to happen. You are reconnecting with your true Inner Being and Divine Energy to remember your Soul Blueprint.
I facilitate The Personal Reconnection with exact movements, activating particular points all over your body and head without touching you. No words will be exchanged between us during the actual event. There is no ritual involved in this process. You attain levels of deep meditation wherein mystical experiences may be seen, felt, heard, or thought, while I am facilitating The Personal Reconnection. This is reconnection with the Godhead of divine energy in such a precise way, it is only necessary to do once in your life. The Personal Reconnection continues to unfold throughout the rest of your time on earth. This once-in-a-lifetime event is recorded in a report and placed in The Personal Reconnection Archives. A copy of this record is then emailed to you.
Relax and allow yourself to be present in the experience. When you close your eyes during the session your other senses will be naturally heightened, and you may feel very deep as if in meditation. You are always free to open your eyes if something in the room catches your attention. Dress in layers and bring socks, in case of temperature sensitivity. There is nothing you must “Do”. Simply “Be” present. The actual process is a completely non-verbal half hour of deep, often out-of body experience. You will never be touched by me but you may feel touched by unseen hands. You will be talking to me before and after the actual Reconnection process.
Our bodies contain its own set of energetic lines and points and, although only remnants of what they once were, these lines and points continue to serve as our interface with the universe. This interface is a channel that facilitates our communication of energy, light and information between large and small, macrocosm and microcosm, the universe and humankind. As theory has it, at one point in time we became disconnected from these lines and lost access to the fullness of our inherent connection to the universe, distancing us from our previously rapid and expansive rate of evolution. A Personal Reconnection brings in “new” axiatonal lines that reconnect us on a more powerful and evolved level than ever before. These lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.
Originally the meridian lines (sometimes called acupuncture lines) in our bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet and cross at acknowledged power places such as Macchu Picchu, Stonehenge and Sedona. These grid lines were designed to continue out and connect us to a vastly larger grid, tying us into the entire universe via The Field. Through this work, they are reconnected in a new way.
A Personal Reconnection allows for an accelerated exchange of Energy, Light and Information for you in your current life. Utilizing Reconnective Healing frequencies along with this focused formation reconnects you to the Ley lines* of the planet, the meridian lines of your body and the universal energy grid; reconnecting you to a timeless system of intelligence. This allows you to receive information which already belongs to you from the greater wisdom where you exist multidimensionally. Each person receives this work in the perfection of their lives. There is nothing you need to do or study prior to receiving this transformational work.
*Ley lines are alleged alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths that are thought by certain adherents to dowsing and New Age beliefs to have spiritual power. Ley lines can be the product of ancient surveying, property markings, or commonly traveled pathways.
The Personal Reconnection is a two day process with no more than a three day pause in between and at least one full night of sleep. You lay on a comfortably padded massage table, face up and fully clothed.
I am a Personal Reconnection Certified Practitioner, trained by Dr. Eric Pearl and his teaching staff. I am listed in the practitioners directory at the name Kathleen Shannon in Laguna Niguel, California. Or call The Reconnection office at (323) 960-0012 in Los Angeles, California.
It is always the same price for all Personal Reconnection practitioners, who must have a current, unexpired certification. I’m looking forward to co-creating a Personal Reconnection with you. Many blessings in the light, Reverend Kathleen Shannon.
The Personal Reconnection
Sessions are a 2 day process, 75 minutes each day
$333 includes both sessions